Teeneagle events

All our events in one place

We provide educational pathways leading to certification and
career opportunities for students, particularly those who may not otherwise have access.

Commitment & Dedication

We’re dedicated to our shared vision and mission: to empower students, support partners, and work together to make a collective impact.

Students come first

When we prioritize our students, we make decisions and take action based on the needs of our students and the best interests of students overall

Continuous Learning

We are committed to continuous learning and growth. We are constantly expanding our knowledge and experimenting in our work.

Respect for others

We believe in making decisions that have the greatest possible impact on individuals and society. 

TeenEagle Events

Do not miss!

BlackEagle Discount!

£ 100 GBP OFF
First 100 to sign up for TeenEagle Global Finals reserve a place—qualification through an online round later is still required. Act fast!

Use promo code BLACKEAGLE